Relationship Stories
Eric & Kathi + Jeremiah
Eric Rock Climbing with Kathi Supporting from Below
Eric’s connection to Citizen Advocacy began when he was a small child. The CA coordinator, Derona King, had seen a photo of Eric on a newsletter from a refugee assistance organization. It was soon after that she got to meet him. At his school, Eric was segregated into a classroom and was considered intellectually incapable of learning. It only took Derona thirty minutes to learn that was not close to the truth. As an elementary student Eric already spoke at least 4 languages.
Kathi first met Eric as his family was looking for their doctor’s office at the hospital. Something pulled Kathi to the family, and ever since she has stood beside Eric and his family. In November 2013 Kathi officially became Eric’s Citizen Advocate, a journey that has challenged her, changed her, and given her more than she ever imagined. Over the years Kathi has fought alongside Eric and his family to make sure he was provided a real education, by pushing teachers and administrators in both elementary and middle school and never missing an IEP meeting. To this day she is using every connection, skill and option to fight for Eric to be safe and get the education he deserves in high school.
Life is so much more to school, and Kathi’s love for Eric helped her to think about what a Big Full Life would look like for him from now and through his future. She helped Eric and his family become American Citizens, she introduced her friends and community to Eric, and they always found time just to be together and become best of friends. It is obvious that Kathi is always thinking about how she can help make Eric’s life not just safe or stable, but as BIG AS POSSIBLE, including making it possible for Eric and his family to travel back to Africa for the first time since they were forced to leave as refugees.
Eric has grown from a 9 year old boy into an 18 year old young man since their relationship began. It became clear to Kathi that Eric does not always need a Jewish Mother by his side as he continues to grow into manhood. She asked CA Coordinator, Aaron Lichkay, if he could recruit a co-advocate who could relate to Eric as a growing man. That same week Aaron met Jeremiah at NeighborFest, hosted by Neighborhood Church. It was clear to Aaron that Jeremiah would be a great fit to introduce to Eric. The only problem was that Eric was still in Africa.
As part of the process of initiating a Citizen Advocacy match, the coordinator shares the protege’s story with the potential advocate. Usually, the coordinator is the best person to share about the protege, but in this case nobody knows Eric as well as Kathi. Kathi, Jeremiah, Aaron, and administrative coordinator Ginia Taylor shared lunch in Clarkston where Kathi and Jeremiah got to know each other, and Kathi shared about her friend Eric. By the end of lunch they were all excited for Eric to return home and get to meet Jeremiah himself.
Eric and Jeremiah hit it off instantly. On the first meeting they looked through the different tech and apps they each use. There relationship has grown tremendously over the last couple months. Eric asked Jeremiah to act as his manager and Hype man to help him grow his own advocacy work. Eric with Jeremiah’s support developed a speech with visualizations of Eric’s future using AI Art software that is part of Citizen Advocacy’s “Witness to Beauty” exhibition, and hosted a community event and donation drive with Eric’s advocacy organization the American and African Advocacy Gathering.
Eric and Kathi with Ted Terry
Eric and Family with Kathi and Friends at Citizenship Ceremony
Eric and Kathi
Kathi and Jeremiah meet with CA Staff
Eric and Jeremiah Meet
Eric and Jeremiah getting work done at Refuge Coffee